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NDT SetupBuilder Software

Availability: In Stock
Automated Detection Technology software from VeriPhase® works with OmniScan® flaw detectors to quickly process encoded phased array weld data. Once the data is processed, a prepopulated indication table is sent directly to OmniPC software with all relevant position and sizing readings to assist you in your analysis.
Combining Automated Detection Technology (ADT) software and OmniScan flaw detectors:

  • Significantly reduces your analysis time
  • Helps improve the detection rate and reliability
  • Provides high-quality data that’s code compliant
  • Enhances your inspection workflow

Fast and Reliable

Phased array flaw detectors collect massive amounts of encoded data very quickly, potentially creating an analysis bottleneck in your workflow.

ADT software processes inspection data files by automatically isolating and sizing indications for you to analyze. The software automatically assesses the data’s quality, including checks for loss of couplant and loss of data.

  • Results are sent directly to the indication table in OmniPC software
  • Suitable for primary and secondary data review
  • Automatic indication length and height sizing


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