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Eddy Current Flexible Bullet Probes

Availability: In Stock

TEG – Attached

The eddy current flexible probes offer solid stainless steel construction for durability and titanium protective cover for the coils. They are designed to inspect tight U-bend (as low as 50 mm curvature radius).


TEG probes are designed to inspect tight U-bends with radius of curvatures as low as 51 mm (2 in.). These probes are designed to inspect one half of the U-bend (90°) from each side of the tube.


  • Solid stainless steel construction for durability.
  • Titanium protective cover for coils.
  • Tight U-bend capability (with curvature radius as low as 50 mm [2 in.]).

Standard/Custom Probes (Made to Order)

Use the nomenclature and the chart below to configure your part number.

Tube curvature and radius


TEG inspects tubes with a maximum of 90º bend one side a time. Minimum radius is 51 mm.

Chart TEG

Probe Type Probe Diameter
(use mm in part ID)
Center Frequency Cable Length**
mm in.
TEG: Flexible bullet Standard
11 mm to 25.4 mm
by 0.2 mm
0.433 in. to 1.000 in.
by 0.008 in.
015 (Low)
050 (Mid)
250 (High)
600 (Very High)
25 m (80 ft)
N = Nylon
H = More flexible
**Information on cables for TEG probes with superior flexibility is available in the Tube Inspection Probe Catalog.
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